Julian Robertson Portfolio

Tiger Management Holdings

Tiger Management is an American hedge fund founded in 1980 by Julian Robertson. Robertson's investment philosophy revolved around investing in companies that are undervalued and out of favor with the stock market. Tiger Management had a reputation for avoiding publicity and shunning analysts. In keeping with this policy, Tiger was known for having its portfolio managers sign confidentiality agreements that prevented them from speaking publicly about their investments. Tiger's long-term track record is one of the best in the industry.
Julian Robertson's investment strategy is vividly reflected in his current portfolio, with an astonishing concentration on Coupang Inc - Ordinary Shares - Class A, which constitutes 100% of his portfolio. This decisive allocation underscores a significant conviction from the seasoned investor, suggesting a high level of confidence in the e-commerce giant's growth and potential returns.
Transdigm Group Incorporated, Sempra, Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc., and CME Group Inc - Ordinary Shares - Class A collectively round out the top five positions but each represent 0% of the total portfolio currently. While these stocks do not hold substantial weight at this time, their presence indicates strategic diversification choices that could be poised to balance or expand the portfolio's reach when circumstances shift.
Potential investors observing Julian Robertson's investments can glean insights into areas he considers ripe for growth – primarily focusing on technology-driven commerce through Coupang Inc. At the same time, holdings in aerospace (Transdigm Group), energy infrastructure (Sempra), healthcare technologies (Thermo Fisher Scientific), and financial services (CME Group) highlight varied sectors with potential long-term value.
This concentrated yet strategically diversified approach showcases Robertson's knack for identifying singular opportunities while maintaining avenues for broader market engagement, offering a compelling narrative for investors aiming to align with proven methods within the ever-evolving stock investment landscape.

$2.06 Million Total portoflio value
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% of Portfolio
Average Buy Price The buy price is calculated from the weighted average of all purchases since the last sell-out of the investor. In case the buy price of a purchase wasn't reported, the average price during the reported period is taken.
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